可以吗 翻译英文 重要的英文

来源:oufeng 时间:2024-05-16 03:53 阅读

可以吗 翻译英文,"可以吗" can be translated to "Is it possible?" or "Can it be done?" in English.As for "翻译英文", it can be translated to "translate into English".

Sure, "可以" can be translated to "okay" or "can" in English depending on the context. If you could provide me with more context, I could give you a more accurate translation.

As for "银川", it can be translated to "Yinchuan" in English. Yinchuan is the capital city of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China.

可以吗 翻译英文


"Important" is the English word for "重要的".


If you want a more concise sentence, you could say "Strict English requirements for someone."